최근 수정 시각 : 2024-01-30 23:39:06

Polygon Dust


[ 정규 앨범 ]
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2014. 8. 12.

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[ 기타 앨범 ]
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[ 싱글 ]
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2016. 08. 11.

[ 앨범 수록곡 링크 ]

Polygon Dust
파일:Poter Robinson Worlds.jpg
아티스트 Porter Robinson
보컬 Lemaitre
수록 앨범 Worlds

1. 개요2. 가사

1. 개요

Porter Robinson의 앨범 Worlds의 수록곡. 작사는 르메트르가 참여했으며 보컬은 르메트르의 울릭 룬드(Ulrik Lund)가 맡았다.

2. 가사

Taking back what you've spent
Time that we have spent
Walking on wasted, tracing back the steps
Oh I can't taste it, the secret I have kept
Walking on wasted, take what I can get
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Taking back what you've spent
Time that we have spent
Walking on wasted, tracing back the steps
Oh I can't taste it, the secret I have kept
Walking on wasted
That's how I feel, too late to talk
It's oddly when you want
Too late to talk
(That's how I feel) Taking back what you've spent
Oh I can't taste it,
(That's how I feel) Walking on wasted, say that I can't
Walking on wasted, take what I can get
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh