최근 수정 시각 : 2023-03-26 15:58:49

One Step Closer

파일:the little mermaid live action logo 2.png
{{{#!wiki style="word-break: keep-all; text-align:center; margin: 0 -10px -5px;"
{{{#!wiki style="display: inline-block; min-width: 35%"
{{{#!folding [ 애니메이션 ]
{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -0px -10px"
1 Fathoms Below
2 Main Titles
3 Fanfare
4 Daughters of Triton
5 Part of Your World
6 Under the Sea
7 Part of Your World (Repise)
8 Poor Unfortunate Souls
9 Les Poissons
10 Kiss the Girl
11 Fireworks
12 Jig
13 The Storm
14 Destruction of the Grotto
15 Flotsam and Jetsam
16 Tour of the Kingdom
17 Bedtime
18 Wedding Announcement
19 Eric to the Rescue
20 Happy Ending
[ 뮤지컬 ]
[ 실사 영화 ]
1 Triton's Kingdom
2 Part of Your World
3 Fathoms Below
4 Part of Your World (Reprise)
5 Under the Sea
6 Wild Uncharted Waters
7 Poor Unfortunate Souls
8 For the First Time
9 Kiss the Girl
10 The Scuttlebutt
11 Eric's Decision
12 Vanessa's Trick
13 Part of Your World (Reprise II)
14 Kiss the Girl (Island Band Reprise)
15 Finale
}}} ||
파일:the little mermaid musical soundtrack.jpg
발매 2008년 2월 26일
러닝 타임 4:22
발매사 월트 디즈니 레코드
작곡가 앨런 멩컨
작사가 글렌 슬레이터
프로듀서 앨런 멩컨

1. 개요2. 영상 및 가사

1. 개요

2008년 브로드웨이에서 초연된 뮤지컬 인어공주의 넘버. 앨런 멩컨이 작곡, 글렌 슬레이터가 작사를 맡았으며 에릭 역의 션 팔머가 노래를 불렀다.

작중에서 에릭 에리얼에게 함께 시간을 보내며 말을 하지 못하는 에리얼에게 춤을 가르쳐주고, 말 대신 춤으로 서로 대화하자는 내용의 노래이다.

2. 영상 및 가사

One Step Closer - Sean Palmer
Who needs words?
Dancing beats small talk any day
It's the way your feet smile
Or laugh
It lets you say so many things

Dancing is a language
That is felt instead of heard
You can whisper, sing or shout
Without so much as a word
Try it, go on, like so

Just let your emotions
Tell your body what to do
See how much a single gesture
Can reveal!

And every little step
Every single step
Is one step closer
To saying what you feel

Once the music hits you
Inhibitions fall away
And you find that you're expressing things
Your voice daren't say
Don't be afraid, let go!

Soon as you surrender
What's inside will sweep on through
As the boundaries
Between us disappear!

And every little step
Every single step
Is one step closer
To talking loud and clear

A dance is like a conversation
Except you never need to make a sound
And once you've begun
You speak as one
Give and take
Back and forth
Round and round

A dance is like a conversation
Except your lips don't ever need to part
And once you've begun
You speak as one
Cheek to cheek
Toe to toe
Heart to heart

Dancing is a language
That is felt instead of heard
But it says much more than
Language ever could

And every little step
Every single step
Is one step closer
One step closer
One step closer
To being understood