상위 문서: Goofy Runners
1. 개요
Goofy Runners의 넥스트봇들을 정리해둔 문서.2. 레벨 1
2.1. 콴데일 딩글 삼촌
My Goofy Ahh Uncle |
콴데일 딩글과 밀접한 관련이 있다.
직접 적으로 등장하진 않고
레벨 1 스폰지점 왼쪽 방에 갇혀있어서 플레이어를
2.2. 오리
Duck |
2.3. 셀레네 델가도 로페즈
Selene Delgado Lopez |
2.4. 다니엘
루피의 모습 | 에넬의 모습 |
Daniel |
2.5. 사울 굿맨
Saul Goodman |
3. 레벨 2
3.1. 제르마
Jerma |
3.2. 킬러 피쉬
Killer fish |
4. 레벨 3
4.1. 카툰 캣
Cartoon Cat |
5. 레벨 4
5.1. IShowSpeed
IShowSpeed |
5.2. 월터 도그
Walter Dog |
5.3. 비스트 보이
Beast Boy |
5.4. 벼락신
LowTierGod |
6. 레벨 5
6.1. 웃는 사람
Laughing Guy |
7. 레벨 6
7.1. 앤드류
Andrew |
7.2. 스텔링 피쉬
Staring Fish |
7.3. 화난 남자
Raging Man |
8. 레벨 7
8.1. 라따뚜이
Ratatouille |
8.2. 하수구 거주자
Sewer Dweller |
9. 레벨 8
9.1. 불안한 얼굴
Unnerving Face |
9.2. 수박 모자
Watermelon Hat |
10. 레벨 9
10.1. 레벨 9.5
10.1.1. 암스트롱
레벨 9 (추격전) | 레벨 9.5 (정적) |
Steven Armstrong |
11. 레벨 10
11.1. 바트
Bart Simpson |
11.2. 해골
Skull |
11.3. 악몽
Nightmare |
12. 이스터 에그
12.1. 눈
Eyes |
12.2. 저주받은 자들
이 녀석들의 공통점은 사람들이 찾기 힘든 곳이나 알아 채기 힘들게 위장해 있다는 것이다.또한 다들 이름이 따로 있진않고 그냥 다 The Damned(그)라고 만 나온다.12.2.1. 레벨 1
Welcome. It seems Bulderme and Krimrie couldn't hide the screwdriver good enough. Yeah, they're not as good as they seem y'know. Anything they find "Goofy" will be locked up. We didn't choose to be here.And I'm most certain they believe YOU guys are goofy. There's really no other reason they trappd you guys here, too. Thank you for freeing me.Unfortunately, I am just too tired to go any where at this point.
다시 한번 상호작용할때Thank you again for letting me see some light.
But like I said, I'm too tired to go anywhere
But like I said, I'm too tired to go anywhere
12.2.2. 레벨 4
Ah, it seems you found me!
I'm sure you heard from my brother about Bulderme and Krimrie right?.
Allow me to tell you about them in my own words.”
Krimrie is the "manufacturer" of some of these places.
He sets up "rooms" for the damned.
Bulderme make these places to life.
He also finds victims or "testers" to get chased by us.
We don't want to kill you guys, but Bulderme says we have to.
The ones that disagreed became "The Damned".
다시 한번 상호작용 했을때I'm sure you heard from my brother about Bulderme and Krimrie right?.
Allow me to tell you about them in my own words.”
Krimrie is the "manufacturer" of some of these places.
He sets up "rooms" for the damned.
Bulderme make these places to life.
He also finds victims or "testers" to get chased by us.
We don't want to kill you guys, but Bulderme says we have to.
The ones that disagreed became "The Damned".
I would like to travel with you guys, but I would get p>erished by Bulderme.
Get out while you still can!
Get out while you still can!
12.2.3. 레벨 6
Oh, it seems Bulderme is a total idiot.
Or maybe, was darkened walls intentional?
He could be doing this to lead you down dark paths.
Who knows? Maybe all of this leads you to nowhere.
Attacking people just isn't my thing.
Though I have an unnerving appearance, you don't ju>dge a book by its cover.
The others know me as "Big Hug Bill".
People know me as well that there are hats of me.
Just remember one thing, don't trust everything that developer says...
Or maybe, was darkened walls intentional?
He could be doing this to lead you down dark paths.
Who knows? Maybe all of this leads you to nowhere.
Attacking people just isn't my thing.
Though I have an unnerving appearance, you don't ju>dge a book by its cover.
The others know me as "Big Hug Bill".
People know me as well that there are hats of me.
Just remember one thing, don't trust everything that developer says...
12.2.4. 레벨 8
13. 업데이트 예정인 적
13.1. 싸닉
Sanic |
14. 삭제된 적
14.1. 징징이
Squidward |
14.2. 알 수 없는 넥스트봇
2022년 8월 4일에 잠깐 등장하고 만 적으로, 등장한지 하루만에 삭제된 탓에 이 넥스트봇의 이름이 정확히 뭔지 밝혀지지 않았다.
나중에 사울 굿맨으로 대체되었다.
여담으로 이 사진은 콴데일 딩글의 형(...) 사진으로 사용됐고 raise a floppa에서도 볼 수 있다.
14.3. 오붕가
Obunga |
여담으로 삭제전에는 오붕가가 누군가를 죽이고 나면 가끔 여자아이가 귀엽게 I am watching you 하는 소리를 들을수 있었다.
14.4. 콴데일 딩글
Quandale Dingle |
14.5. 너드 이모지
Nerd Emoji |